Saturday, 9 August 2014

Female Infertility: Yorubic food therapy

Female Infertility: Yorubic food therapy
Super fertility foods
Honey: This substance is rich in minerals and vitamins and it is a good fertility food. It
stimulates ovary function.
Royal jelly: It contains vitamins A, B, C, D, E; minerals such as iron and calcium; and also
contains all the amino acids. This substance rejuvenates reproductive organs and boosts their
functionality. It maintains hormone balance. It increases the quality of egg and also boosts egg
health. Take 20mg of royal jelly daily.
Bee pollens and bee propolis: You can get enough nutrients from these two fertility super
foods. In fact, bee pollen is richer than beef in protein and has every vitamin and mineral. By
consuming these foods, you are getting many fertility nutrients.
Brown rice: It is rich in fibers and B vitamins. It helps to balance the hormone.
Guava: This food is well-packed with abundance of antioxidants including excellent amount of
vitamin C. Yorubic medical practitioners prescribe this fruit for fertility in women.
Carrot, red palm oil (raw one) and sweet potatoes: These foods are the best sources of
antioxidants you can find around. Carrot and sweet potatoes are the richest sources of betacarotene. Boiled or cooked sweet potatoes are better by far than fried ones.
Yam: This food is one of the favorite fertility foods usually recommended to women who want
to be fertile by Yorubic medical practitioners. As a result of this use, a study was carried out on
female rats using Dioscorea Rotundata, it was found that this yam increases the concentration
levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). LH triggers
ovulation and the development of corpus luiteum. FSH is a glycoprotein that stimulates the
growth and maturity of between 10-20 follicles in the ovaries each menstrual cycle.
Note: All edible yams are recommended for female fertility. It is more effective if eaten with
soup made with young leaves of okra/okro plant (Hibiscus abelmuscus, ilasa soup in Yoruba).
Walnut: It contains essential fatty acids including omega-3-fatty acid. This nut regularizes
menstrual cycles and stimulates ovary functions. It revitalizes female reproductive organs. It also
helps maintain hormonal balance in the body. Eat raw walnuts.
Phyto-estrogen rich foods: These foods help to reduce and prevent cases like fibroid,
endometrioses and hormonal imbalances. Phyto-estrogens in these foods act as competitors to
your body estrogen and they balance hormones in doing so. Examples of these foods are
cucumber, alfalfa, fennel, fermented soy products, seeds, whole grains, dates, barley, plums,
beets, anise seeds, papaya (pawpaw), peppers, red beans, eggplants, pumpkin, sesame seeds,
carrots, tomatoes, yams, garlic, etc.
Pumpkin seeds: these seeds contain excellent amount of zinc and omega-3 fatty acid. This
mineral can do wonder for your fertility.
Oyster: This is the best source of zinc; a mineral that promotes ovary function.
Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, ęja epiya in Yoruba), catfish (Clarias Spp, ęja arọ in
Yoruba), and electric fish (Malapterurus electricus, ęja ojiji in Yoruba): In yorubic
medicine, these fishes are often prescribed for female infertility. They are rich in omega-3-fatty
acids. Roast them without salt and eat. Use them as part of your animal protein. Use them to
prepare your soups. (Excerpts from the E-book, Easy pregnancy: Authentic Secrets of Female Fertility)
So, you have been actively trying to get pregnant?
Are you tired of infertility and the several non-effective fertility treatments?
This is the chance you have been waiting for to conceive. You are about to read methods from around the world that can help you to get pregnant easily. It reveals ancient fertility-boosting techniques from Asia, Africa, America and Europe. It combines fertility treatments from China, India, Maya, Nigeria, U.K. and U.S.A.
Hi, my name is Moses, I’m a biochemist and fertility expert; I like to share with you in this book authentic secrets of female fertility that have helped my patients to get pregnant easily.
It’s about how you can incorporate these simple secrets into your life to get pregnant without hassles.
It’s a complete book that combines all the female infertility treatments available. You will learn all that you need to know about female fertility in this book. This is all that you need to overcome female infertility.
Easy pregnancy is a comprehensive e-book that will hold you by the hand and gently reveal extraordinarily easy and simple steps that can prepare your body for conception. It combines the best of natural and medical fertility treatments around the world most of which have not been revealed before including the rainforest medicine called Yorubic medicine and newest scientific findings.

Easypregnancy: Authentic Secrets of Female Fertility by Moses Morgan. This book is sold at Smashwords, Apple iBookstore, Barnes and Noble, Sony and Kobo. For Nigerians, you can pay directly to the author’s bank accounts and get it in your email (check the accounts below).
How will this book help you?
1.      You will learn for the first time some unknown causes of female infertility from Yorubic medicine.
2.      You will know how to identify the specific cause(s) of your infertility.
3.      You will come across basic information on how to carry out fertility or reproductive organ cleansing at home to prepare your womb for conception. You will be able to cleanse your liver, kidney, blood and uterus with this information.
4.      You will know which foods to eat and the best way to eat them to boost your fertility. You will learn about special fertility super-foods that have never been mentioned anywhere before. These foods can really cure female infertility. You will see two super-fertility foods from Nigeria that can effectively cure infertility with scientific evidence of one of them and empirical evidences of the two foods. Foods to avoid are also mentioned.
5.      You will know things to avoid and things to do to reduce infertility and increase your chances of conception. It explains some everyday actions that can make you fertile if you carried them out.
6.      It offers herbal remedies that have been demonstrated to be effective against infertility. These remedies come from around the world and they have been in use for several centuries.  Special fertility-boosting herbs from Yorubic medicine are also described. A special herbal soup prepared by Yorubic medicine practitioners to cure female infertility is also included with its recipe and how to prepare it.
7.      It gives comprehensive information on bodyworks like specially designed fertility exercises and fertility massages that you can carry out indoor on your own to cure infertility.
8.      Common substances around your home that can adversely affect your fertility are mentioned and solutions proffered. It offers detailed information on how to carry out hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, homeopathy, color therapy and essence remedies that are specifically designed to treat infertility problems and boost your fertility.
9.      A special non-invasive therapy that is yet uncommon but studies have shown that it is effective to combat female infertility is described.
10.  It provides tips on how you can understand the signs of your body and how to know when you are fertile and ready for pregnancy.
11.  You can reprogram your body scientifically and psychologically for fertility and also manage your stress effectively with the information provided in this book. It goes beyond your physical body down deep to your subconscious mind.
12.  You will know how to arrange your home, office and surroundings to optimize your chances of conception. It explains how you can use natural resources such as sun, air, sleep, etc to treat your infertility. It also gives a special therapy that you can apply every night to combat infertility.
13.  You will learn best sexual positions for conception and positions to avoid for conception.
14.  It gives medical techniques that can holistically be combined with natural methods to boost your chance of conception for seemly hopeless cases.
To buy directly from the author, pay 1000 naira only into these bank accounts
Bank Name: Ecobank
Acc. Name: Adeosun Afolabi Moses
Acc. Number: 2611148163              
Bank Name: Diamond
Acc. Name: Adeosun Afolabi Moses
Acc. Number: 0029537317
After you make your payment, send a text message containing your name, email, and the bank you chose to pay the money to this phone number 08060636985. Once I received the alert and your text, you will receive the ebook within 48 hours.
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