Saturday, 10 May 2014

Female infertility-secrets to prevent it

Female infertility is a major problem for some married women in the world. It has both physical and psychological effects on the affected women.
Female infertility is defined as the inability of a woman to conceive or carry through a pregnancy after one year of sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptive pills.
How do you reverse it?

In FERTILITY EXPERT SHARES 10 TIPS FOR FEMALE FERTILITY, I briefly some simple tips that can be applied to solve female infertility case but here I want to share how you can prevent it or boost your fertility as a woman.

Before I move on let me ask a question, why are female rates of fertility decreasing and many women are entering menopause untimely?

In Nigeria today, several men will ask their partners to become pregnant first before they get married. This is because they are afraid of marrying without hope of getting their own children. Everyone now knows or believes that female infertility is rampart, especially among young females in the world today.

Why is it like this?
Some women even go to the extent of blaming God, nature or themselves for being born as women because of this reason. Let me tell you this truth, it is not a curse to be a woman and it is a great privilege to be a woman.
If you follow the advice in this article you can always prevent female infertility.
What is behind the increasing rate of female infertility among young is nothing else than the modern day lifestyle. Majority of young women are drifting away from the right lifestyle, even many of them see right lifestyle as disgusting. Why would I prepare my own foods when fast foods are easier to get? This is the thought of most of them and the young men are not helping either. Most of the young men also like fast foods. 
If you give your body what it needs you will also enjoy what it gives you back in return. Human body also follows the law of karma-cause and effect. Female infertility is not natural; it is a response of your body to hard conditions you have subjected it to. Your body can be a good servant or a bad master, it all depends on what you do with it.
Smoking, alcohol drinking, hard drugs, overweight/obesity, underweight, stress, environmental toxins, etc are all known factors that can be responsible for female infertility.
Now you might be thinking that ‘none of these is part of me’. What about the wrong foods that you eat on a daily basis. Let see how wrong nutrition can affect you. Foods such as Fried foods, baked potatoes, frozen foods including frozen yogurt, refined or white flour, white bread, butter or margarine, microwave-prepared foods, large seafoods, sugar, food additives, refined foods, junk foods, chemically treated farm produce, low fat yogurt, pineapple, aspartame, inorganic meats, etc. can actually contribute to female infertility, especially if you are the type that cannot do without any of them.
You must learn how to eat organically-grown fruits and vegetables to get enough vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that your body needs to prevent itself from female infertility.
Do relaxing exercises that can really help your body to maintain its fertility. Read my first article on this site on some of the tips that can help female fertility and you can also get my book Easy pregnancy: Authentic Secrets of Female Fertility from smashword, amazon and other online ebook retailers.
Until next week, be well.
Recommended book
Easypregnancy: Authentic Secrets of Female Fertility by Moses Morgan. This book is sold at Smashwords, Apple iBookstore, Barnes and Noble, Sony and Kobo.
How will this book help you?
1.      You will learn for the first time some unknown causes of female infertility from Yorubic medicine.
2.      You will know how to identify the specific cause(s) of your infertility.
3.      You will come across basic information on how to carry out fertility or reproductive organ cleansing at home to prepare your womb for conception. You will be able to cleanse your liver, kidney, blood and uterus with this information.
4.      You will know which foods to eat and the best way to eat them to boost your fertility. You will learn about special fertility super-foods that have never been mentioned anywhere before. These foods can really cure female infertility. You will see two super-fertility foods from Nigeria that can effectively cure infertility with scientific evidence of one of them and empirical evidences of the two foods. Foods to avoid are also mentioned.
5.      You will know things to avoid and things to do to reduce infertility and increase your chances of conception. It explains some everyday actions that can make you fertile if you carried them out.
6.      It offers herbal remedies that have been demonstrated to be effective against infertility. These remedies come from around the world and they have been in use for several centuries.  Special fertility-boosting herbs from Yorubic medicine are also described. A special herbal soup prepared by Yorubic medicine practitioners to cure female infertility is also included with its recipe and how to prepare it.
7.      It gives comprehensive information on bodyworks like specially designed fertility exercises and fertility massages that you can carry out indoor on your own to cure infertility.
8.      Common substances around your home that can adversely affect your fertility are mentioned and solutions proffered. It offers detailed information on how to carry out hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, homeopathy, color therapy and essence remedies that are specifically designed to treat infertility problems and boost your fertility.
9.      A special non-invasive therapy that is yet uncommon but studies have shown that it is effective to combat female infertility is described.
10.  It provides tips on how you can understand the signs of your body and how to know when you are fertile and ready for pregnancy.
11.  You can reprogram your body scientifically and psychologically for fertility and also manage your stress effectively with the information provided in this book. It goes beyond your physical body down deep to your subconscious mind.
12.  You will know how to arrange your home, office and surroundings to optimize your chances of conception. It explains how you can use natural resources such as sun, air, sleep, etc to treat your infertility. It also gives a special therapy that you can apply every night to combat infertility.
13.  You will learn best sexual positions for conception and positions to avoid for conception.
14.  It gives medical techniques that can holistically be combined with natural methods to boost your chance of conception for seemly hopeless cases.

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